Welcome to Church Street Medical Centre

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9am to 5:30pm
  Contact : 0906481130

Opening Hours

9am – 5:30pm
Closed From 1pm – 2:30pm
Phone: 090 6481130


MIDOC provided out of hours emergency care after 6pm Monday-Friday, Weekends and Bank Holidays.

1800 302 702

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Online consultation service
for same day appointments and queries.

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About Us

We are a medical practice that have a long tradition of providing medical care to our community in Moate and surrounding areas. We are committed to providing a professional and caring service to our patients. We put great emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention . We are a teaching practice attached to the Ballinasloe G.P.  training scheme and have a commitment to providing the highest standards of care

What We Do?

You can order a repeat prescription by completing our prescription request form.

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Read about the services provided in Church Street Medical Centre.

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We provide a full list of fees for services provided in the Medical Centre.

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Latest News

Doctor Visit Card

As you may be aware, the government recently announced the expansion of free GP care to all children under the...
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Phone Number

Please be aware that our phone number is now 090 6481130.  This is the only number which should be used...
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Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee acceptance to the Practice. Registration will only be completed following...
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As of 17th june ,  the Practice has launched a new online service called KLINIK ACCESS. This will allow you...
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