Welcome to Church Street Medical Centre

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9am to 5:30pm
  Contact : 0906481130

Doctor Visit Card

As you may be aware, the government recently announced the expansion of free GP care to all children under the age of 8 and to households earning below the new median income threshold.  Eligible current practice patients can apply in the coming months as follows:


  • If your child is 6 or 7, you can apply online for a Doctor Visit Card from 11th August 2023 – Dr. Avril Coughlan’s panel will be open to accept these requests.
  • If your household earns below the median income €47,000 per year after deductibles) you can apply online for a Doctor Visit Card. The extension of free GP care on income grounds will take place in two phases, on September 11th2023 and November 13th