Welcome to Church Street Medical Centre

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9am to 5:30pm
  Contact : 0906481130

All Posts in Category: Health Basics

Doctor Visit Card

As you may be aware, the government recently announced the expansion of free GP care to all children under the age of 8 and to households earning below the new median income threshold.  Eligible current practice patients can apply in the coming months as follows:


  • If your child is 6 or 7, you can apply online for a Doctor Visit Card from 11th August 2023 – Dr. Avril Coughlan’s panel will be open to accept these requests.
  • If your household earns below the median income €47,000 per year after deductibles) you can apply online for a Doctor Visit Card. The extension of free GP care on income grounds will take place in two phases, on September 11th2023 and November 13th



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Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee acceptance to the Practice.
Registration will only be completed following attendance at a registration appointment and
following receipt of medical notes from your previous GP.

To download the form Click Here

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How to Access Klinik on Church Street Medical Centre

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As of 17th june ,  the Practice has launched a new online service called KLINIK ACCESS. This will allow you to submit a request for a same day appointment or send other enquiries  without needing to call the practice.  The link on our website can be accessed via smartphone ,tablet  or PC. This is  a safe and secure method of communication.

This software allows us to assess the urgency of your clinical problem and arrange appropriate treatment.

When you request an urgent appointment you will be asked a series of questions online  to establish the probable diagnosis. You will  then receive a text to confirm we have received your request .  A member of staff will contact you later in the day with an appropriate  plan to manage your problem.

We will also accept requests or queries in relation to certs prescriptions etc.

You can access the service via the Klinik Access banner  or “contact us online ” tab on our website.


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