Welcome to Church Street Medical Centre

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 9am to 5:30pm
  Contact : 0906481130

Health Check

In our surgery we give priority to  preventative medicine  with an  emphasis on screening  and early disease detection.  W e believe prevention is better than cure.

Our health check is a comprehensive and  thorough medical checkup .

It is recommended for patients between the age of  40 and 70 but is available for all adults.

Please arrange an appointment if you would like to undertake a health check.

Our health check includes an initial assessment by a practice nurse followed up by a visit to the GP.


The nurse will carry out an assessment including

blood pressure







Fasting blood tests including full blood count,iron studies, bone profile, blood glucose, lipids, TFTs, kidney function test, PSA (for men) etc

Following the nurses assessment your GP  will carry out a full physical examination with particular emphasis on any of the items which have arisen in the nurses assessment.

Medical examination including cardiovascular, respiratory  ,gastro- intestinal, musculoskeletal and abdominal examination.

Additional investigations can be arranged as necessary.

These  may include CXR , Stress test, dexa scan, cardiac C/T for calcium score etc.

Total cost for the health check €150.